email: xmsi@henu.edu.cn
2011.09-2015.06,四川农业大学,种子科学与工程,获农学学士学位;2015.09-2021.06,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所,遗传学,获博士学位。2021年9月至今,河南大学农学院/河南大学作物逆境适应与改良国家重点实验室,“黄河学者”特聘教授。研究成果发表在nature biotechnology,nature protocols,genome biology等国内外著名学术期刊上。
二. 主持的重要研究项目
三. 代表性研究论文
1. si x, zhang h, wang y, chen k, gao c* (2020) manipulating gene translation in plants by crispr-cas9-mediated genome editing of upstream open reading frames. nature protocols, 15(2), 338-363.
2. zhang h1, si x1, ji x1, fan r, liu j, chen k, wang dao, gao c* (2018) genome editing of upstream open reading frames (uorfs) enables translational control in plants. nature biotechnology, 36, 894-898.
3. ji x1, si x1, zhang y, zhang h, zhang f, gao c* (2018) conferring dna virus resistance with high specificity in plants using virus-inducible genome editing system. genome biology, 19, 197.
4. li t1, yang x1, yu y1, si x, zhai x, zhang h, dong w, gao c*, xu c* (2018) domestication of wild tomato is accelerated by genome editing. nature biotechnology, 36, 1160-1163.
5. li j1, zhang h1, si x, tian y, chen k, liu j, chen h, gao c* (2017) generation of thermosensitive male-sterile maize by targeted knockout of the zmtms5 gene. journal of genetics and genomics, 44, 465-468.
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