一、 学习与工作经历
1. ji mf, zhao jp, han kl, cui wj, wu xy, chen bh, lu yw, peng jj, zheng hy, rao sf, wu gw, chen jp* and yan f*. turnip mosaic virus p1 suppresses ja biosynthesis by degrading cpsrp54 that delivers aocs onto the thylakoid membrane to facilitate viral infection. plos pathogens. 2021, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010108
2. ji mf, zhao jp, chen jp, song jq*, yan f*. protein preparation from virus-infected plants for protoplast-chloroplast proteomics. applied plant virology. 2020, doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-818654-1-00012-8
3. cui wj, wang s, han kl, zheng es, ji mf, chen bh, wang xm, chen jp* and yan f*. ferredoxin 1 is downregulated by the accumulation of abscisic acid in an abi5-dependent manner to facilitate rice stripe virus infection in nicothiana benthamiana and rice. plant journal. 2021, doi: 10.1111/ tpj.15377
4. han kl, zheng hy, ji mf, cui wj, hu sz, peng jj, zhao jp, lu yw, lin l, liu y, chen jp* and yan f*. a single amino acid in coat protein of pepper mild mottle virus determines its subcellular localization and the chlorosis symptom on leaves of pepper. journal of general virology. 2020, doi: 10.1099/jgv0.001398
5. han kl, huang hj, zheng hy, ji mf, yuan q, cui wj, zhang hh, peng jj, lu yw, rao sf, wu gw, lin l, song xm, sun zt, li jm, zhang cx, lou yg, chen jp*, yan f*. rice stripe virus coat protein induces the accumulation of ja, activating plant defense against the virus while also attracting its vector to feed. molecular plant pathology. 2020, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12995
6. wu xy, lai yc, lv lq, ji mf, han kl, yan dk, lu yw, peng jj, rao sf, yan f, zheng hy*, chen jp*. fasciclin-like arabinogalactan gene family in nicotiana benthamiana: geneome-wide identification, classification and expression in response to pathogens. bmc plant biology. 2020, doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02501-5
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