e-mail: zhaiyungu@163.com
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(32200505),2023/01-2025/12,30万元,主持
2. 河南省“中原英才计划”—中原青年博士后创新人才项目,2024/01-2025/12,50万,主持
3. 中国农业科学院油料作物研究所基本科研业务费杰出青年人才培育项目(1610172022006),2022/01-2024/12,45万元,主持
4. 河南大学首批青年交叉基金项目,2024/01-2026/12,20万元,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32272106),2023/01-2026/12,54万元,参加
三、代表性研究论文 (*为通讯作者,#为共同第一作者):
1. zhai y, cai s, hu l, yang y, amoo o, fan c*, & zhou y. (2019) crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing reveals differences in the contribution of indehiscent homologues to pod shatter resistance in brassica napus l. theoretical and applied genetics, 132:2111–2123.
2. zhai y, yu k, cai s, hu l, amoo o, xu l, yang y, fan c*, zhou y. (2020) targeted mutagenesis of bntt8 homologs controls yellow seed coat development for effective oil production in brassica napus l. plant biotechnology journal, 18:1153-1168.
3. hu l#, zhai y#, xu l, wang j, yang s, sun y, yu k, he h*, & fan c*. (2022) precise a∙t to g∙c base editing in the allotetraploid rapeseed (brassica napus l.) genome. journal of cellular physiology, 237: 4544-4550
4. s. ahmar, zhai y, huang h, yu k, khan mhu, m. shahid, r. abdul samad, s. ullah khan, amoo o, fan c*, zhou y *.(2021) development of mutants with varying flowering times by targeted editing of multiple svp gene copies in brassica napus l. the crop journal, 10:67-74.
5. khan mhu, hu l, zhu m, zhai y, khan su, ahmar s, amoo o, zhang k, fan c*, zhou y. (2021) targeted mutagenesis of eod3 gene in brassica napus l. regulates seed production. journal of cellular physiology, 236:1996-2007.
6. khan s, yangmiao j, liu s, zhang k, khan m, zhai y, olalekan a, fan c*, zhou y. (2019) genome-wide association studies in the genetic dissection of ovule number, seed number, and seed weight in brassica napus l. industrial crops and products, 142:111877.
7. hu l, amoo o, liu q, cai s, zhu m, shen x, yu k, zhai y, yang y, xu l, fan c*, zhou y. (2020) precision genome engineering through cytidine base editing in rapeseed (brassica napus l.). frontiers in genome editing, 2:605768.
8. olalekan amoo, 胡利民, 翟云孤, 范楚川*, 周永明. 利用基因编辑技术研究branched1参与油菜分枝过程的调控.生物技术通报. 2022,38: 97-105.
9. 高桂珍, 翟云孤, 张鲁斌, 常金梅, 罗海华, 伍晓明*. 油菜耐盐碱种质鉴定与品种选育研究进展.生物技术进展. 2022,12: 647-654.
1. 范楚川;周永明;翟云孤;蔡胜利;甘蓝型油菜抗裂角基因bnind的功能及应用,2019-3-21,中国,zl201910218648.9.
2. 范楚川;周永明;翟云孤;黄会斌;许磊;bnsvp基因在调控油菜花期中的应用、具有不同开花期的油菜突变体材料的制备方法,2021-3-15,中国,zl202110049541.3
3. 范楚川;翟云孤;周永明;蔡胜利;杨阳;一种控制甘蓝型油菜种子种皮颜色的基因、甘蓝型油菜黄籽突变体材料的获取方法及其应用,2019-9-25,中国,201910912426.7
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