一. 学习及工作经历:
2001年获河南大学学士学位,2005年和2014年分别获河南大学理学硕士和博士学位。2005年-2021年11月份,河南大学生命科学学院工作。2021年11月份-至今,河南大学农学院 。
二. 主要研究方向:
1. 野生二粒小麦-普通小麦的种质资源创新
2. 小麦抗逆遗传改良及品质育种
三. 主持的研究项目:
4.河南省高等学校重点科研项目:利用节节麦-小麦渐渗系精细定位千粒重主效qtl qtkw.at-2d位点(20a210007),2020.01-2021.12
5.河南省青年骨干教师项目:野生二粒小麦的加工品质分析及分子机理研究(2015ggjs-019), 2016.01-2017.12,
四. 代表性研究论文 (*为通讯作者):
(1)yun zhou#, shenglong bai#, hao li#, guiling sun#, dale zhang#, feifei ma, xinpeng zhao, fang nie, jingyao li, liyang chen, linlin lv, lele zhu, ruixiao fan, yifan ge, aaqib shaheen, guanghui guo, zhen zhang, jianchao ma, huihui liang, xiaolong qiu, jiamin hu, ting sun, jingyi hou, hongxing xu, shulin xue, wenkai jiang, jinling huang, suoping li, changsong zou*, chun-peng song*. introgressing the aegilops tauschii genome into wheat as a basis for cereal improvement. nat. plants, 2021, 7: 774-786.
(2)xinpeng zhao, linlin lv, jiahui li, feifei ma, shenglong bai, yun zhou, dale zhang*, suoping li, chun-peng song. genome-wide association study of grain shapes in aegilops tauschii. euphytica, 2021, 217:144-158.
(3)yazhong su, yarui su, cancan zhang, dale zhang*(第一通讯作者), and suoping li* genetic structure characteristic of aegilops tauschii from different geographical populations and the origin of chinese population. journal of agricultural science and technology, 2020, 22: 851-862.
(4)xinpeng zhao, shenglong bai, lechen li, xue han, jiahui li, yumeng zhu, yuan fang, dale zhang*(第一通讯作者), suoping li. comparative transcriptome analysis of two aegilops tauschii with contrasting drought tolerance by rna-seq. international journal of molecular science, 2020, 21: 3595;
(5)yazhong su, mengwen zou, yumeng zhu, xue han, yuge li, dale zhang*(第一通讯作者), suoping li*. analysis of population structure and origin in aegilops tauschii coss. from china through snp markers. genetic resource crop evolution, 2020, 67:923-934.
(6)dale zhang, yun zhou, xinpeng zhao, linlin lv, cancan zhang, junhua li, guiling sun, suoping li*, chunpeng song*. development and utilization of introgression lines using synthetic octaploid wheat (aegilops tauschii × hexaploid wheat) as donor. frontier in plant science, 2018, 9: 1113.
(7)dale zhang, jie he, luyu huang, cancan zhang, yun zhou, yarui su and suoping li*. an advanced backcross population through synthetic octaploid wheat as a “bridge”: development and qtl detection for seed dormancy. frontier in plant science, 2017, 8: 2123.
(8) yu-ge li, hui-hui liang, sheng-long bai, yun zhou, guiling sun, ya-rui su, an-li gao, da-le zhang*(第一通讯作者), suo-ping li*. molecular characterization and variation of the celiac disease epitope domains among α-gliadin genes in aegilops tauschii. journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2017, 65: 3422-3429.
(9)da-le zhang, ting-ting he, hui-hui liang, lu-yu huang, ya-zhong su, yu-ge li, suo-ping li*. flour quality and related molecular characterization of high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes from wild emmer wheat accession td-256. journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2016, 64: 5128-5136.α
(10)dale zhang, jinfeng qi, jipei yue, jinling huang, ting sun, suoping li, jian-fan wen, christian hettenhausen, jinsong wu, lei wang, huifu zhuang, jianqiang wu, guiling sun*. root parasitic plant orobanche aegyptiaca and shoot parasitic plant cuscuta australis obtained brassicaceae-specific strictosidine synthase-like genes by horizontal gene transfer [j]. bmc plant biology, 2014, 14:19.
(11)dale zhang, yuhao yuan, yarui su, suoping li*. analysis of dough rheological property and gluten quality characteristics in wild emmer wheat (triticum dicoccoides (körn. ex asch. et graebn.) schweinf.) [j]. genetic resources and crop evolution, 2016, 63: 675-683.
(12)dale zhang, anli gao, yuge li, yarui su, shibin he, suoping li*. molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis novel α-gliadin genes from triticum dicoccoides l [j]. journal of agricultural science and technology, 2014, 16: 203-215.
五. 专利和品种
1.张大乐,蒋志凯,任佳佳,石帅,杨丽娟,李锁平. 一种鉴定小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基的dcaps分子标记及应用,中国发明专利,专利号:zl202111122261.7,正在审核中。
2.张大乐,王五恒,黄彦宗等. 小麦新品种“河大518”,审定时间: 2020年5月
六. 奖励
1. 获开封市第十三届青年科技奖,2019
2. 河南省高等学校优秀共产党员,省委高等学校教育工作委员会,2017
3. 河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖,河南省人力资源保障厅,一等奖,2017
4. 开封市自然科学优秀学术论文奖,一等奖,2017
5. 河南大学优秀共产党员,河南大学,2016.6
6. 河南大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(15nb043), 优秀奖,指导教师,2015.
7. 河南大学教学质量工程奖,河南大学,一等奖, 2013.
8. 河南省高等学校精品资源共享课程—遗传学,河南省教育厅,第2名,2012.
七. 讲授课程
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