(1) 固氮微生物网络调控机制与人工高效固氮体系创建;
(2) 特殊功能微生物功能基因、酶蛋白和活性物质资源的高效挖掘;
(3) 农业细胞工厂技术平台与未来食品开发。
(1) 国家863计划重点项目“特殊环境微生物资源的开发利用技术”(2007aa021304,2007-2011),3500万
(2) 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目“联合固氮施氏假单胞菌a1501功能基因组研究”(30925002,2010-2013),200万
(3) 国家973计划项目 “生物固氮及相关抗逆模块的人工设计与系统优化”(2015cb755700,2015-2019),3500万
(4) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“联合固氮施氏假单胞菌碳氮代谢基因偶联调控的分子机制”(31230004,2013-2017),289万
(5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“固氮施氏假单胞菌a1501在水稻根表定殖的调控机制研究”(31930004,2020-2024),310万,主持
(6) 国家转基因重大专项“抗逆和抗除草剂关键基因克隆及功能验证”(2016zx08009003,2016-2020),2000万
(7) 农业部政府购买服务项目“霉菌毒素广谱降解复合酶菌株与生产工艺技术引进及其产业化能力培育”(2020-2021),100万
(8) 天津市合成生物技术创新能力提升行动“乳蛋白异源合成制造及示范”项目(tsbicip-kjgg-013,2021-2024),90万元
(9) 国家自然科学基金未来生物技术指南项目“人工高效根际生物固氮技术及其田间示范应用”(32150021,2021-2024),291万,主持
(1) yan yl, yang j, dou yt, chen m, ping sz, peng j, lu w, zhang w, yao z, li h, liu w, he s, geng l, zhang x, yang f, yu h, zhan y, li d, lin zl, wang yp, elmerich c, lin m*, and jin q. 2008. nitrogen fixation island and rhizosphere competence traits in the genome of root-associated pseudomonas stutzeri a1501. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa. 105:7564-7569
(2) xu yq, zhou t, zhou zf, su sy, roberts sa , montfort wr., zeng j, chen m, zhang w, lin m, zhan jx, molnar i. 2013. rational reprogramming of fungal polyketide first ring cyclization. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa. 110:5398-5403
(3) 6、xu yq, zhou t, zhang sw, espinosa-artiles p, wang ly, zhang w, lin m, leslie gunatilak aa, zhan jx, and molnár i. 2014. diversity-oriented combinatorial biosynthesis of benzenediol lactone scaffolds by subunit shuffling of fungal polyketide synthases. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa. 34:12354–12359.
(4) zhan yh, yan yy, deng zp, chen m, lu w, lu c, shang lg, yang zm, zhang w, wang w, li y, ke q, lu js, xu y, zhang lw, xie zh, cheng q, elmerich c, lin m*. 2016. the novel regulatory ncrna, nfis, optimizes nitrogen fixation via base pairing with the nitrogenase gene nifk mrna in pseudomonas stutzeri a1501. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa. 30: 4348-4356.
(5) xie ln, zhang lw, wang c, wang xj, xu ym, yue hf, wu p, li sl, han ld, gunatilaka l, wei xy, lin m*, molnár i*, and xu yq*. 2018. methylglucosylation of aromatic amino and phenolic moieties of drug-like biosynthons by combinatorial biosynthesis. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa. 115(22):4980-4989
(6) zhang sw, heyes dj, feng ll, sun wl, johannissen lo, liu ht, levy cw, li xm, yang j, yu xl, lin m, hardman sjo, hoeven r, sakuma m, hay s, leys d, rao zh, zhou aw, cheng q, scrutton ns. 2019. structural basis for light-driven enzyme catalysis in chlorophyll biosynthesis, nature 574: 722–725.
(7) zhan yh deng zp, yl yan, hy zhang, c lu, zm yang, lg shang, y huang, fy lv, yq liu, yh liu, ss wang, sf chen, xx zhang, q cheng*, lin m*. 2019. nfir, a new regulatory noncoding rna (ncrna), is required in concert with the nfis ncrna for optimal expression of nitrogenase genes in pseudomonas stutzeri a1501. appl. environ. microbiol. 85(14): e00762-19
(8) zhang hy, zhan yh, yy yan, yh liu, gh hu, ss wang, h yang, xm qiu, yq liu, j li, w lu, c elmerich, lin m*. 2019. the pseudomonas stutzeri-specific regulatory noncoding rna nfis targets katb mrna encoding a catalase essential for optimal oxidative resistance and nitrogenase activity. j bacteriol. 201:e00334-19.
(9) shang lg, yan yl, zhan yh, xb ke, shao yh, yq liu, h yang, sh wang, sl dai, js lu, yan n, yang zm, lu w, liu z, chen sc, elemerich c, lin m *. 2021. a regulatory network involving rpo, gac and rsm for nitrogen-fixing biofilm formation by pseudomonas stutzeri, npj biofilms and microbiomes 7(1):54.
(10) wang c, xiao d, dun b, yin m, tsega as, xie l, li w, yue q, wang s, gao h, lin m, zhang l, molnár i, xu y. chemometrics and genome mining reveal an unprecedented family of sugar acid-containing fungal nonribosomal cyclodepsipeptides. proc natl acad sci usa. 2022; 119(32):e2123379119.
(1) 泌铵与氮高效模块偶联的人工固氮体系。柯秀彬;林敏;燕永亮;战嵛华;陆伟。专利号:zl 2020 1 0435008.6;申请日:2020.05.21;授权日:2022.03.11
(2) 耐辐射异常球菌角蛋白酶基因kera的应用。林敏,周正富,王劲,耿秀秀,张维,陈明。专利号:zl 201811124474.1;申请日:2018.09.26 ;授权日: 2021.10.01
(3) 耐辐射戈壁异常球菌碱性蛋白酶基因kerb的应用。林敏,王劲,周正富,耿秀秀,张维,陈明。专利号:zl 201811124487.9;申请日:2018.09.26;授权日:2021.10.08
(4) 一种抗氧化及耐高温胁迫的非编码rna osir及其用途。林敏,陈明,张维,周正富,田烨,高丽华,战嵛华,陆伟,柯秀彬,燕永亮,王劲。专利号: zl 201810666398.0;申请日:2018.06.26;授权日:2021.10.08
(5) 具有除草剂麦草畏降解功能的基因dicx4及其应用。林敏,周正富,张维,郭倩楠,陈明,陆伟。专利号:zl 201910977573.2;申请日:2019.10.14 ;授权日: 2021.07.13
(6) irre protein functional domain for improving anti-oxidation capability of cell and application thereof. zhang, wei; zhou, zhengfu; chen, ming; lin, min. 专利号:us 10,738,314 b2;申请日:2017.08.29;授权日:2020.08.11(美国)
(7) 一个特异响应渗透胁迫信号的启动子及应用。战嵛华,燕永亮,林敏,王巍。专利号:zl 201510237092.x;申请日:2015.05.11;授权日:2018.06.19
(8) 一种维持菌株高效固氮能力的基因。燕永亮,林敏,邓志平,战嵛华,陆伟。专利号:zl201510296702.3;申请日: 2015.06.02;授权日:2017.12.19
(9) rsma基因在植物根表定殖和促生方面的应用。燕永亮,尚立国,战嵛华,林敏。 专利号:zl201310593220.5;申请号:2013.11.20;授权日:2016.02.24
(10) 耐辐射异球菌r1 pprm 基因在改良植物抗旱性状中的应用。 陈明,王玮,张维,杨明坤,李新娜,林敏。专利号:zl201010168142.0;申请日:2010.05.04;授权日:2015.02.25
(11) genes for improving salt tolerance and drought tolerance of plant and the uses thereof. linmin; chenming; wangjin; panjie; zhouzhengfu; zhangwei; luwei; pingshuzhen. 专利号:260860;申请日:2010.04.22;授权日:2014.05.26
(12) 一种类芽孢杆菌中性植酸酶。平淑珍,赵仲麟,燕永亮,陆伟,林敏。专利号:zl201110260332.x;申请日: 2011.09.05;授权日:2012.09.26
(13) genes for improving salt tolerance and drought tolerance of plant and the uses thereof. linmin; chenming; wangjin; panjie; zhouzhengfu; zhangwei; luwei; pingshuzhen. 专利号:us 8,153,861 b2 ;申请日:2010.04.22;授权日:2012.04.10(美国)
(14) 提高了热稳定性及蛋白酶抗性的环化植酸酶。平淑珍,赵仲麟,林敏,陆伟,陈明,张维,燕永亮。专利号:zl200810117596.8;申请日:2008.08.01;授权日:2012.02.22
(15) 培育抗草甘膦植物的双价表达载体。林敏,王旭静,顿宝庆。专利号: zl200710118968.4;申请日:2007.06.15;授权日:2010.12.22
(16) 草甘膦乙酰转移酶基因及其应用。林敏,顿宝庆,陆伟,金丹。专利号:zl200510086626.x;申请号:2005.10.17;授权号:2007.05.02
(17) epsp syzthase highly tolerant to glyphosate. min lin; kexuan tang; yiping wang; jin wang; yu zhu. 专利号: us 7238508 b2;申请日:2004.08.06;授权日:2007.06.03 (美国)
新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选专家(2004),国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2010年),全国农业科研杰出人才(2012),国务院特殊津贴专家(2013),国家 “973”计划项目首席科学家(2015年)
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