









1. 2009年获中国农业大学工学学士学位。

2. 2011年获中国农业大学工学硕士学位。

3. 2014年获中国农业大学工学博士学位。

4. 2019年–至今,河南大学,副教授/国家食用菌加工技术研发专业中心副主任。

5. 2019年–至今,美国克莱姆森大学,访问学者。

6. 2014年–2023年5月,河南大学,药学院。

7. 2023年5月–至今,河南大学,农学院。






1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于rsad2/viperin调控nf-κb/mapk信号通路的金针菇多糖免疫调节机制研究,2023.1-2025.12

2. 主持河南省科技攻关计划,基于“肠道菌群-肠道免疫-肠道动力”的金针菇多糖缓解便秘功能研究,2021.1-2022.9

3. 主持河南省科技攻关计划:金针菇多糖对益生菌的促生长作用及其免疫调节功能性食品开发研究,2019.1-2021.12

4. 参与国家重点研发计划子课题:基于近红外光谱的食用菌功效因子快速检测技术体系构建,2018.1-2020.12

5. 参与国家重点研发计划:“食品安全关键技术研发”重点专项,2018.1-2021.12

6. 主持开封市科技发展项目:罗布麻花多糖的抗血栓活性研究,2019.1-2021.12

7. 主持河南省科技攻关计划:金针菇冷链物流关键技术-时间温度指示器检测技术的应用,2018.1-2019.7

8. 参与河南省科技攻关计划:金针菇功能食品的研发,2018.1-2019.7

9. 参与原食品药品监督管理总局保健食品原料目录研究专项课题研究:螺旋藻、灵芝孢子粉、灵芝和枸杞,2016.11-2018.5


1. changyang ma, cunyu liu, mengjie ren, lili cui, xuefeng xi*, wenyi kang*. inhibitory effect of quercetin-3-o-α-rhamnoside, p-coumaric acid, phloridzin and 4-o-β-glucopyranosyl-cis-coumaric acid on rats liver microsomes cytochrome p450 enzyme activities. food and chemical toxicology, 2023, 172: 113583.

2. xiaofeng zhang, zhenhua liang, geoffrey i n waterhouse, shengjun jiang, dongxiao sun-waterhouse, jinmei wang, changyang ma, wenyi kang*. structural characteristics, anticoagulant and antithrombotic mechanism of a novel polysaccharide from rosa chinensis flos. food science and human wellness 12 (2023) 407-41.

3. honglin wang , changyang ma , dongxiao sun-waterhouse, jinmei wang*, geoffrey i.n. waterhouse*, wenyi kang*. immunoregulatory polysaccharides from apocynum venetum l. flowers stimulate phagocytosis and cytokine expression via activating the nf-κb/mapk signaling pathways in raw264.7 cells. food science and human wellness, volume 11, issue 4, july 2022, pages 806-814.

4. changyang ma, xuebiao wang, wenjing shao, qingchun zhao, jinfeng wei*, zhenhua liu*, changqin li*. effects of a cordyceps militaris with herba epimedii complex on chronic renal failure induced by adenine in vivo. natural product communications, 2022, volume: 17 issue: 6, pages 1-7.

5. zhenhua liang, zhenhua yin, xiaopeng liu, changyang ma, jinmei wang*, yan zhang*, wenyi kang*. a glucomannogalactan from pleurotus geesteranus: structural characterization, chain conformation and immunological effect. carbohydrate polymers, volume 287, 1 july 2022, 119346.

6. yingying zhao, jinfeng wei, changqin li, adel f. ahmed, zhenhua liu*, changyang ma*. a comprehensive review on mechanism of natural products against staphylococcus aureus. journal of future foods, volume 2, issue 1, march 2022, pages 25-33.

7. qiongxin liang, qingchun zhao, xuting hao, jinmei wang, changyang ma*, xuefeng xi*, wenyi kang*. the effect of flammulina velutipes polysaccharide on immunization analyzed by intestinal flora and proteomics. frontier in nutrition. 2022, 9: 841230.

8. tang qi, chen sitan, rizvi sah, qu jiaojiao, wang li, wang senye, ma changyang*, liu lijun* and kang wenyi*. (2022) two alkaloids from delphinium brunonianum royle, their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative stress activity via nf-κb signaling pathway. front. nutr. 8:826957.

9. lijun fu, jing tian, li liu, yongzheng ma, xiumin zhang, changyang ma* wenyi kang*, yong sun*. analysis of volatile components in tremella fuciformis by electronic nose combined with gc-ms. journal of food quality, volume 2022 |article id 9904213 |

10. jie lu, changqin li, lijun liu, wangjing chai, yabin hou*, changyang ma*. rapid determination of pachymic acid content by near-infrared spectroscopy. journal of food quality. volume 2022 |article id 9746414 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9746414

11. zhenhua yin, dongxiao sun-waterhouse, jinmei wang, changyang ma*, geoffrey i. n. waterhouse*, wenyi kang*. polysaccharides from edible fungi pleurotus spp.: advances and perspectives. journal of future foods, volume 1, issue 2, december 2021, pages 128-140,

12. dongxiao sun-waterhouse, wenyi kang, changyang ma, geoffrey i.n. waterhouse*. towards human well-being through proper chewing and safe swallowing: multidisciplinary empowerment of food design. journal of future foods, volume 1, issue 1, september 2021, pages 1-24.

13. yun niu, baoguang wang, li zhou, changyang ma, geoffrey i.n. waterhouse, zhenhua liu, adel f. ahmed*, dongxiao sun-waterhous*e, wenyi kang*. nigella sativa: a dietary supplement as an immune-modulator on the basis of bioactive components. front. nutr. 8:722813.

14. zhenhua yin, zhenhua liang, changqin li, jinmei wang, changyang ma, wenyi kang*. immunomodulatory effects of polysaccharides from edible fungus: a review, food science and human wellness, volume 10, issue 4, july 2021, pages 393-400.

15. changqin li, yiping cui, jie lu, lijun meng, changyang ma, zhenhua liu*, yan zhang*, wenyi kang*. spectrum-effect relationship of immunologic activity of ganoderma lucidum by uplc-ms/ms and component knock-out method. food science and human wellness, volume 10, issue 3, may 2021, pages 278-288.

16. cunyu liu , changyang ma , jie lu, lili cui, mengzhu li, ting huang, yunhui han, yong li, zhenhua liu*, yan zhang*, wenyi kang*. a rapid method and mechanism to identify the active compounds in malus micromalus makino fruit with spectrum-effect relationship, components knock-out and molecular docking technology. food and chemical toxicology, volume 150, april 2021, 112086.

17. li zhou, fatma al-zahra kamal kamel attia, lijun meng, sitan chen, zhenhua liu, changyang ma*, lijun liu*, wenyi kang*. chemical components and biological effects of genus origanum. journal of food quality, vol. 2021, article id: 3271727, 19 pages, 2021.

18. xuqiang liu, changyang ma, zhenhua liu*, wenyi kang*. natural products: review for their effects of anti-hbv. biomed research international, vol. 2020, article id: 3972390, 24 pages, 2020.

19. liang, zhenhua; zheng, kangwei; zhao, qingchun; shao, wenjing; li, changqin; wang, jinmei*; ma, changyang*; kang, wenyi*."structural identification and coagulation effect of flammulina velutipes polysaccharides" appl. sci. 2021, 11(4): 1736. sci

20. hongli zhang, xiaoqing xu, zhenhua liu, dong xiao sun-waterhouse, jinmei wang, changyang ma*, geoffrey i.n. waterhouse*, and wenyi kang*. effects of edpetiline from fritillaria on inflammation and oxidative stress induced by lps stimulation in raw264.7 macrophages. actabiochim biophys sin, 2021, 53(2), 229–237. sci

21. huiminjiang, jinmei wang, qiongxin liang, shengjun jiang, changyang ma*, yan zhang*, and wenyi kang*. mechanism of intestinal flora and proteomics onregulating immune function of durio zibethinus rind polysaccharide. oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2021: 6614028. sci

22. hongli zhang, qingfeng guo, zhenhua liang, mengke wang, baoguang wang, dongxiao sun-waterhouse d, geoffrey i.n. waterhouse d, jinmei wang*, changyang ma*, wenyi kang*. anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of chaetoglobosin vb inlps-induced raw264.7 cells: achieved via the mapk and nf-κb signaling pathways. food and chemical toxicology, 2021, 147111915. sci

23. yan chen, ge zou, wencong yang, yingying zhao, qi tan, lin chen, jinmei wang, changyang ma, wenyi kang*, zhigang she*. metabolites with anti-inflammatory activity from the mangrove endophytic fungus diaporthe sp. qym12. mar. drugs 2021, 19(2), 56;

24. honglin wang, xiaoqing xu, zhenhua yin, mengke wang, baoguang wang, changyang ma*, jinmei wang*, wenyi kang*. activation of raw264.7 cells by pcp-i, a polysaccharide from psoralea corylifolia l, through nf-κb/mapk signalling pathway. international journal of immunopathology and pharmacology, 2021, volume: 35,

25. ying ding, sitan chen, honglin wang, shanlei li, changyang ma, jinmei wang, lili cui*, identification of secondary metabolites in flammulina velutipes by uplc-q-exactive-orbitrap ms", journal of food quality, vol. 2021, article id: 4103952, 8 pages, 2021. sci

26. jie lu, jing tian, li zhou, lijun meng, sitan chen, changyang ma, jinmei wang, zhenhua liu*, changqin li*, wenyi kang*. phytochemistry and biological activities of poria. journal of chemistry, vol. 2021, article id: 6659775, 20 pages, 2021.

27. changqin li, yiping cui, jie lu; cunyu liu, sitan chen, changyang ma, zhenhua liu*, jinmei wang*, wenyi kang*. ionic liquid-based ultrasonic-assisted extraction coupled with hplc and artificial neural network analysis for ganoderma lucidum. molecules, 2020, 25(6): 1309. (if 3.06) pub date : 2020-03-13,

28. junya wang, hongli zhang, honglin wang, jinmei wang, dongxiao sun-waterhouse, geoffrey ivan neil waterhouse, changyang ma*, wenyi kang*. animmunomodulatory polysaccharide from blackberry seeds and its action on raw264.7 cells via activation of nf-κb/mapk pathways[j]. food and agricultural immunology, 2020, 31:1, 575-586. sci

29. huimin jiang, jing dong, shengjun jiang, qiongxin liang, yan zhang, zhenhua liu, changyang ma*, jinmei wang*, wenyi kang*. effect of durio zibethinus rind polysaccharide on functional constipation and intestinal microbiota in rats. food research international, 2020,136: 109316. sci

30. dong, jing, liang, qiongxin, niu, yingying, jiang, shengjun, zhou, li, wang, jinmei*, ma changyang* & kang, wenyi*. effects of nigella sativa seed polysaccharides on type 2 diabetic mice and gut microbiota. international journal of biological macromolecules. september 2020, volume 159, issue 15, 725-738

31. niu, yingying, dong, jing, jiang, huimin, wang, jinmei, liu, zhenhua*, ma, changyang*, & kang, wenyi*. effects of polysaccharide from malus halliana koehne flowers in cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression and oxidative stress on mice. oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2020(2020), 1603735.

32. yun niu, li zhou, lijun meng, sitan chen, changyang ma, zhenhua liu*, wenyi kang*. recent progress on chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of the genus nigella. volume 2020 |article id 6756835 |

33. changyang ma, cunyu liu, adel f. ahmed, yingying niu, wenyi kang*. optimum extraction technology for the seed oil of nigella sativa l. journalof food quality, 2019,

34. zhang, xiaofeng, yu, qi, jiang, huimin, ma, changyang, wang, hui min david, wang, jinmei*, & kang, wenyi*. a novel polysaccharide from malus halliana koehne with coagulant activity. carbohydrate research, 2019, 485, 107813.

35. changyang ma, nan he, yingying zhao, dandan xia, jinfeng wei* and wenyi kang*, antimicrobial mechanism of hydroquinone. applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2019.

36. junya wang, honglin wang, hongli zhang, zhenhua liu, changyang ma*, wenyikang*. immunomodulation of adps-1a and adps-3a on raw264.7 cells through nf-κb/mapk signaling pathway. international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019, 132: 1024-1030. (sci)

37. cui lili ,xing meimei, xu lanting, wang junya, zhang xiaofeng, ma changyang*, kang wenyi*. antithrombotic components of malus halliana koehne flowers. food & chemical toxicology, 2018, 119:326-333. (sci)

38. he ne, zhou juanjuan, hu miyun, ma changyang*. kang wenyi*. the mechanism of antibacterial activity of corylifolinin against three clinical bacteria from psoralen corylifolia l[j]. open chemistry,2018, 16(1):882-889. (sci)

39. he nan, wang peiqing, wang pengyu, ma changyang*, kang wenyi*. antibacterial mechanism of chelerythrine isolated from root of toddalia asiatica (linn) lam. bmc complementary and alternative medicine,2018, 18(1):261-269(sci)

40. ma changyang, fu zetian, xu mark, *. evaluation on home storage performance of table grape based on sensory quality and consumers’ satisfaction[j]. journal of food science and technology, 2016, 53(3):1363-1370. (sci)

41. ma changyang, xiao xinqing, zhu zhiqiang, *. contour diagram based evaluation on logistics stability of table grapes under variable temperature. journal of food process engineering, 2016, 39(4):391 -399. (sci)

42. ma changyang, mu weisong, feng jianying*, jiao weihua*. assessing the technical efficiency of grape production in open field cultivation in china. journal of food agriculture & environment, 2012; 10 (1): 345 -349 (sci)

43. ma changyang, mu weisong*, feng jianying, zheng xiaoping. the comparison of production situation and technical efficiency of grape between open field and protected cultivation in china. power and energy engineering conference (appeec), 2011 asia-pacific.(ei)

44. 李昱珩,马常阳*. 基于化学反应和微生物生长的时间温度指示器跨模型匹配方法[j/ol].食品科学: 1-11 [2022-07-23]. (ei)

45. 卢洁,田婧,梁振华,王金梅,康文艺,马常阳,李昌勤*.近红外光谱法快速测定香菇总糖含量[j].食品科学,2021,42(12):189-194. (ei)

46. 夏丹丹,赵莹莹,马盼盼,王深垒,马常阳,郜晓峰*,康文艺.大肠杆菌dna定性标准物质的制备及在枸杞子污染检测中的应用[j].食品科学,2020,41(18):267-274. (ei)

47. adel f. ahmed, ghada abd-elmonsef mahmoud, 马常阳, 康文艺*. 埃及产百里香和牛至精油、提取物的抗氧化和抗菌活性研究[j].河南大学学报(医学版),2020,39(03):157-170.

48. 刘丽军,牛英颖,马常阳*.市售螺旋藻水分、灰分及铅镉砷汞含量分析[j].河南大学学报(医学版),2020,39(02):89-91.

49. 王鹏禹,焦瑶歌,张京华,王迎利,adel fahmi ahmed,康文艺*,马常阳*.百合花脂溶性成分分析[j].河南大学学报(医学版),2018,37(02):105-106 119.

50. 马常阳,傅泽田,姚萌萌,张小栓*.时间温度指示器等量线匹配适应性评估方法[j].农业机械学报,2014,45(07):183-188. (ei)

51. 马常阳,张小栓,朱志强,穆维松,傅泽田*.基于多元回归的鲜食葡萄保鲜技术效果评估[j].农业机械学报,2015,46(01):216-223. (ei)

52 张虎,张小栓,孙格格,傅泽田,马常阳*.面向冷链物流农产品品质感知的tti动态校准方法[j].农业机械学报,2017,48(02):314-321. (ei)

53. 张小栓,孙格格,杨林,郭永洪,马常阳*.葡萄冷链品质的时间-温度指示器模糊推理预测[j].农业机械学报,2017,48(08):315-321. (ei)

54. 邢少华,张小栓,马常阳,傅泽田*.波动温度下罗非鱼微生物生长动力学模型[j].农业机械学报,2013,44(07):194-198(ei)

55. 傅泽田*,姚萌萌,马常阳,齐林,张小栓.基于化学型时间温度指示器的鲜食葡萄品质监测[j].中国农业大学学报,2013,18(06):186-191. (ei)

56. 张小栓,张铁岩,马常阳,陈松*.广东省消费者对食用农产品标识的认知及支付意愿[j].中国农业大学学报,2015,20(01):268-274.

57. 张铁岩,张小栓*,马常阳.生产者对农产品标识的认知及采纳意愿研究——以广东省合作社为例[j].广东农业科学,2014,41(22):212-216.


1. 马常阳(一),药用植物在肠道菌群、致病菌调控与质量控制应用, 中国商业联合会科学技术奖,一等奖,2021

2. 马常阳(四),保健食品、化妆品及其原材料中植物功效成分识别、鉴定与检测技术研究,市场监管科研成果奖一等奖,2020

3. 马常阳(五),天然植物化学成分鉴定、功效识别及检测技术研究,中国商业联合会科技进步特等奖,2020

4. 马常阳(六),药食两用资源功效成分识别与质量控制关键技术,河南省科技进步二等奖,2020

5. 马常阳(七),保健食品功效识别与质量控制关键技术,河北省科技进步奖,二等奖,2020

6. 马常阳(四),“谱效关系”结合“敲除技术”快速确定功效成分及功能产品开发,中国商业联合会科学技术奖,一等奖,2019

7. 马常阳(一),evaluation on home storage performance of table grape based on sensory quality and consumers’ satisfaction,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文奖壹等奖,2019

8. 马常阳(三),海棠的综合利用技术研究与应用,河南省教育厅科技成果奖贰等奖,2019

9. 马常阳,河南大学教学质量奖二等奖,2018

10. 马常阳,河南大学教学质量奖一等奖,2016

11. 马常阳,河南大学优秀实习指导老师,2016

12. 马常阳,河南大学青年岗位标兵,2015



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